A Closer Look

There are many components in a classroom community.


Here is a brief glance at how parts of our classroom are put together. 


Grading Policy

Report cards are issued every nine weeks. The grading system used is listed below. All students will receive progress reports in the middle of the grading period. Report cards or progress reports will be sent home for each student.





3rd – 5th Grade




A = 90%-100%

B = 80%-89%

C = 70%-79%

D = 60%-69%

F = 59% and below


Late Work

Late work will be accepted, but there will be a 10% deduction for every day passed the original due date.

If the work is late due to an excused absence, two days will be provided before the 10% deduction per late day.

If an absence is planned, like a trip of some sort, there is the opportunity to pick up work in advanced and submit it before it is considered late. Otherwise, the late work will have two days to be turned in, after arriving back to school, before the 10% deduction per late day.


Names on papers

All papers, projects, and or assignments must have the students name. During the 1st nine-weeks of school, reminders will be given. During the 2nd nine-weeks of school, papers will be docked 5 points if there is no name.



Any work not finished in class will be considered homework, unless otherwise specified.

Every Monday, students will receive their spelling word list to practice for the spelling test every Thursday.

Every Monday, students will receive a math fact packet. This packet is due every Thursday. If a completed math facts packet is submitted early, the student will place beads in the good choice jar and receive extra praise.  

Reward System

  • Good Choice Jar: This is a jar that the class fills up with beads when they work together and make good choices. At the start of earning, students will agree on one reward. When the jar is filled to the top with beads, they receive their reward as a class. Rewards may include: lunch in the classroom, extra recess, or end of the day free time.
  • Specific Praise: Everyone likes to feel good! Students will receive praise for their efforts and great choices. I have many ways of delivering praise, so each student can be praised in a way it feels best to them. I might use fun sticky note, a popsicle stick, private verbal praise, or loud verbal praise in front of peers. Once I observe and get to know the students, I will learn and use their positive praise styles.

Classroom Behavioral Expectations

In order to keep the classroom a positive learning environment, students will be expected to follow the rules and take responsibility for their behaviors. I will express that it is okay to have negative feelings, but it is not okay to disrupt the class because of negative feelings.

Rules and Consequences


Four specific rules

1. Listen And Follow Directions

2. Raise Your Hand Before Speaking Or Leaving Your Seat

3. Respect Your Classmates And Your Teacher

4. Keep Hands, Feet, And Objects To Yourself


For these four specific rules, there will be specific consequences put in place

by number of violations: The levels are labeled 1-5 in order from Low to High.


  1. Verbal or Non-Verbal warning (not all warnings need to be verbal, but not all students get the hint of a non-verbal warning)
  2. 5 minutes of personal reflection during recess
  3. Phone Call Home
  4. Principal’s Office (where more serious consequences may be put in place)
  5. Team Meeting (Student, Parent, Teacher)